Social Media In Workplace


We are being flooded with Social Media invitations and updates. Web-based communication icons like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn are dominating the way we interact with each other. People are feeling the need to be updated at all times. It has become a time-eater, and businesses are quickly becoming aware of the drain it can have on productivity. People love to share, but they need to know what is alright to share and what should not be sent out.

Understanding Social Media is about communicating the right way. We are beginning to communicate more through electronic means than face to face. Talking on a phone has been replaced more and more with SMS (texting.) Social media channels are becoming the main form of communication and you will realize how Social media and the Workplace can work together.

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction
    • Course Objectives ..
  • Module 1
    • The Basics of Social Media ..
    • Building Online Communities ..
    • User Created Content ..
    • Information Sharing ..
    • Communication Tools ..
    • Social Media Platforms ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 2
    • Types of Social Media ..
    • Social Networking ..
    • Photo Sharing ..
    • Video Sharing ..
    • Blogging ..
    • Interactive Media ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 3
    • Social Media Policy Elements ..
    • Adhering to Company Values ..
    • What Can and Cannot Be Shared ..
    • Nothing Offensive ..
    • Rules on Soliciting and Personal Posts ..
    • Legal and Ethic Specifications ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 4
    • Managing Your Policy ..
    • Make Your Policy a Living Document ..
    • Choosing an Information Officer ..
    • Updates and Revisions ..
    • Change Management ..
    • New Hire Orientation ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 5
    • Launching a Successful Strategy (I) ..
    • Setting Goals ..
    • Let Common Sense Guide You ..
    • Be Respectful ..
    • Consistent Image and Voice ..
    • Pause Before You Post ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 6
    • Launching a Successful Strategy (II) ..
    • Be Honest and Transparent ..
    • Stay Real ..
    • Proper Grammar and Spelling ..
    • Anger Posts ..
    • Avoid Criticizing the Competition ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 7
    • Safe Security Practices ..
    • Password Protection ..
    • Importance of Monitoring ..
    • Keep Information Confidential ..
    • Protecting Intellectual Property ..
    • Manage Your Privacy Settings ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 8
    • Benefits of Social Media ..
    • Increases Brand Awareness ..
    • Builds Customer Loyalty ..
    • Speed and Flexibility in Communication ..
    • Two Way Communications ..
    • Social Recruitment ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 9
    • The Pitfalls of Social Media ..
    • Cyberbullying ..
    • Group Think ..
    • Trolling ..
    • Permanent Posts ..
    • Digital Distractions ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 10
    • Listen to Your Customers ..
    • Tips for Listening ..
    • Value in Feedback ..
    • Increases Their Happiness ..
    • Improves Your Brand ..
    • Improves Product Development ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Assessment
    • Post Test ..