Crisis Management


Crisis management is as important as finance management, personnel management, etc.  Having a clear and effective program and plan for an event is critical not only to your survival but critical to the profitability and possibly the survival of the company.  Being able to identify risk, assess the situation and respond appropriately is important, and requires not only training but practice.

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction
    • Course Objectives ..
  • Module 1
    • Crisis ..
    • Internal Risks ..
    • External Risks ..
    • Aggression ..
    • Violence ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 2
    • Workplace Violence ..
    • Threats ..
    • Damage ..
    • Psychological Acts ..
    • Physical Acts ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 3
    • Myths ..
    • Violence Just Happens ..
    • It Is Uncommon ..
    • Problems Will Solve Themselves ..
    • It Is Not Possible to Prevent Violence ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 4
    • Escalation ..
    • Threats ..
    • Stalking and Bullying ..
    • Injury ..
    • Death ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 5
    • Concerning Behaviours ..
    • Disruptive ..
    • Emotional Abuse ..
    • Causes Anxiety ..
    • Examples of Behavior ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 6
    • Domestic Violence Indicators ..
    • Disruptive Calls ..
    • Poor Concentration ..
    • Bruising ..
    • Absences ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 7
    • Triggers of Workplace Violence ..
    • Reprimands and Terminations ..
    • Financial Strain ..
    • Loss of Loved One ..
    • Perceived Slights ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 8
    • Conflict Dangers ..
    • Triggers ..
    • Action Point ..
    • Flashpoint ..
    • Identify ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 9
    • Response ..
    • Note Areas of Concern ..
    • Discuss It ..
    • Report It ..
    • Report Extreme Cases to HR/Tip Line ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 10
    • Strategies ..
    • Policies ..
    • Programs ..
    • Emergency Procedures ..
    • Train Employees ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Assessment
    • Post Test ..